Welcome, we are Wealth

il tutto è più della somma delle parti.

Welcome, we are Wealth

ogni singola parte però, per quanto minuta possa essere, contribuisce al tutto in maniera unica e irripetibile.


Shoe industry: why turn to Wealth for supplies for shoemakers in Milan

Supplies for shoemakers Milan: what to do when you need quality products?

Shoemakers use many tools and accessories to bring their creations to life. Not only for decoration, but also to provide functionality, shoes are always full of small details, such as buckles, zips, hooks, and studs. Those who work in the footwear sector – and in particular, those professionals who offer an artisanal production – need to find suppliers able to offer high quality metal smallware products.

Supplies for shoemakers in Milan are not all the same, but differ in the quality of the workmanship with which the individual pieces are made. If your target audience is made up of particularly elegant and sophisticated people, you’ll never be able to offer them footwear that hasn’t been thought out down to the smallest detail, and this certainly includes metal accessories.

It is for this simple reason that for many years now the most important Italian and international footwear brands have been turning to Wealth S.r.l. for the purchase of metal smallware to be used in their fashion productions. The Lombard company is one of the best at international level when it comes to supplies for shoemakers in Milan and everywhere else not only in our country, but in the world. 

Utilizzo di minuterie metalliche nell'industria calzaturiera

Why turn to Wealth for your supplies for shoemakers Milan

Wealth S.r.l. is a company based in Desio that over time has managed to become one of the most important names in the metal smallware sector. What makes it special compared to many other Italian companies of this type is that it specialises in products for high fashion. In fact, Wealth supplies for shoemakers in Milan are made to decorate and complete shoes that will one day be presented on catwalks or end up in the windows of the most famous boutiques. 

One of the strongest assets of our company is the long list of services we offer our customers for the complete customisation of their orders. The supplies for shoemakers in Milan that we deal with are 100% built around the requests of those who commission them, so as to ensure the highest degree of originality and uniqueness possible. After working in the fashion industry for so many years, we know very well how important these two characteristics are. 

Thanks to the many variants of metal smallware that we make available to customers, the exclusive processes that we have designed, and the possibility of presenting our technicians with your sketches, we are able to offer excellent supplies for shoemakers in Milan that are appreciated by designers all over the world

What to expect from Wealth supplies for shoemakers Milan

As we have said, there are many pieces of metal smallware used in the footwear industry, and Wealth is able to provide all of them. Our buckles, for example, mix functionality and aesthetics in a combination that is always appreciated by our customers

The types of supplies for shoemakers in Milan that we deal with, moreover, are not only distinguished by their richness, but also by the materials in which they are made. The world of shoe making requires special attention, so our company uses particularly resistant materials, designed to last over time.

Visit our official website to find out about all our other types of products.